For seven weeks I incorporated gluten-free foods into my diet, and was starting to feel better for it. A few weeks ago I got a letter informing me of the appointment, so had to start including gluten back into my diet. Straight away I noticed the effects, my vision went slightly odd, I felt tired and my brain went a bit foggy. So it became quite obvious it wasn't doing me any favours. The one good thing about being allowed to eat gluten again was that I could eat some of the yummy things I'd been missing out on, one last time. I didn't go as crazy as I had thought I would, but did eat cookies and cream ice cream, tim tams, pringles, black forest chocolate and raspberry licorice. Those few weeks felt like the last supper!
Now that I do have an official diagnosis it's back to gluten-free for me, and I'm starting to feel better for it. Fortunately now there are are lot more products available than there used to be, and I have acquired a small collection of cookbooks with lots of yummy recipes. So I won't be missing out too much. Here's to a much better 2010 than 2009 was!
So pleased to hear you have an answer to this Rose, even if it isn't someting anyone would choose. I know some lovely local people also dealing with it so if you don't already know people to give you shopping/cooking/eating out tips I could put you in touch. Now you'll have no more excuses for brain-fog!